NFT: DrainedEye Skull #8 - ‘IT’S ALL BEEN LEADING TO THIS’

It’s All Been Leading To This NFT Skull Skull NFT Skull NFT 1-10 Static

Thank you for your interest in my Skull NFT Collection!  This is the eighth artwork in an initial series of 10 skull themed NFT’s.  Each of the initial NFT works (numbers 1-10) are offered as a limited series of 10.  So that makes 100 individual NFT’s available to collect across the 10 artworks.   I designed this collection to present as a visual album, so I would prefer you to start with #1 and work your way up in numerical order. Thank you for being open to receive my message!

As part of my commitment to living in the moment, I regularly receive the message that ‘IT’S ALL BEEN LEADING TO THIS’. This message is affirming and exciting when things are going well but it is just as poignant in moments of sadness, loss, or anxiety. These are times of reevaluation where our energy can shift allowing new paths to open up.

Why is it that we often resist acting or change overall until we have no other choice? Sometimes the reason is in our inner light i.e. optimism. Other times the reason is in our inner shadow i.e. attachment.

Whether in positive, or negative times, ‘IT’S ALL BEEN LEADING TO THIS’ reminds us that there is purpose in the present moment, and that is what we need to move forward in power. May this skull be a talisman to the power of the present moment.

Thank you for spending time with this work.

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